The Village Zendo’s virtual zendo is privileged to present, “Supreme Mind, Supreme Meal,” a dharma talk in which Bokushu Sensei examines mind through the lens of his own life, Dogen’s Tenzo Kyokun and the Diamond Sutra.
Hyannis Zendo was established in 2009 as a space to learn and practice meditation, study Zen, share in community, and to explore what this practice means in our lives. We are located in the West End of Hyannis, MA.
At Hyannis Zendo, we practice sitting meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinhin), offer weekly instruction, Zen interviews, dharma talks, and the practice of mindful eating in the formal Zen style (oriyoki). We also hold a monthly day of intensive meditation practice (zazenkai). Please see our schedule for more information.
winter solitude—
in a world of one color
the sound of wind.
zazen 7:00 – 7:25 am
verse of the kesa/stretch
zazen 7:30 – 7:55 am
work gatha
Interview is an opportunity to meet face to face with a teacher, work on koans, and to ask questions about your practice.
Email me directly to set up a time.
chanting 9:00 – 9:20 am
zazen 9:20 – 9:45 am
kinhin 9:45 – 9:55 am
zazen 9:55 – 10:20 am
teaching 10:20 – 10:40 am
7:00-7:25 zazen
verse of the kesa/stretching
7:30-7:55 zazen
7:55 samu service
verse of the kesa/stretching
7:30-7:55 zazen
7:55–work service
The Village Zendo’s virtual zendo is privileged to present, “Supreme Mind, Supreme Meal,” a dharma talk in which Bokushu Sensei examines mind through the lens of his own life, Dogen’s Tenzo Kyokun and the Diamond Sutra.
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